Strawberry Vanilla Power Breakfast Bowl


Muffin Topless

When I have a lot to do, it always feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done. It’s easy to let things that seem unimportant fall by the wayside (like our health). In the past, a healthy breakfast and exercise were the first things to get “cut” from my list of daily tasks. I soon came to realize after frequently falling ill and feeling crummy, that things needed to change. Rather than skip an energizing-breakfast and a mood-boosting workout, I improved my time management skills. Now I don’t need to stress about whether I’ll have time for this-task or that-task because making time for my health has become a habit… making it MUCH easier to get everything accomplished! The more you practice, the better you will get (I promise)!

Here is a recipe that will not only cut down on time spent cooking, it…

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